
If you could describe Sadness,
What would she look like?

Perhaps, she is the lady in black
Holding onto her grievances,
Telling herself that she still lives
Yet, carries around a carcass
Unassuming and unknowing.

Perhaps, she is the little girl
Who saw her dog pass in her arms,
In denial of the accident at hand
And laughs at her best friend’s attempt
To play dead.

Perhaps, she is the young woman
In a state of overbearing guilt,
Blaming herself for hurting someone she loves
But, carries on as he does
As they both mask the pain.

Sadness is complicated,
Sadness is a little naive,
Sadness is empathetically self-destructive,
But she is beautiful.

Sadness is always changing,
She continues to challenge herself
And grow despite the mistakes she makes;
So that one day,
Sadness might say,
“I feel happy today,”
But a little bit of sadness will always stay.

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