
Out of the corner of my eye,
You rushed in
Like an eccentric, oddly
Reflecting little of your truths.

And so, in front of me
Was a bowl of acquired taste,
So s t i c k y and soft,
So strange and prickly
On my taste buds;
It wasn’t unpleasant.

A new experience for a new season,
Like a flowering fruit in spring,
I have grown to like you more –
So much so that I boast of you. ​

Unlike anything else,
You were that something special –
Perhaps no longer a staple,
But the distance grows as the days go by. ​

I’ll make time for you, always,
Yet, the kitchen remains empty. ​

Have I outgrown this season?
Often, I find myself thinking
About the dining table,
And quiet reflections
Purposed in our time together.

It is only now,
The shells have fallen from my eyes,
And casts a dark shadow
During difficult days
And neglected nights.

A strange bean to become
Only the most bizarre of comforts;
To which I will express
A subtle smile in excitement
To meet again.​

And time again
I will say,

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