Yesterday I woke up from a dream

Yesterday I woke up from a dream –
The world welcomed a new normal,
A new normal of everlasting days
And sleepless nights.

I lived in a world of grey cellophane,
Of the lies we tell ourselves,
And monochromatic events
That forfeited souls still live for.

In that world lived a boy with a beanie;
Through the grey film,
He burned a deep blue hue
And took me to a familiar place.

The moody clouds hid stars,
Shining brightly not for us,
But I could still see him right beside me,
Assuring me the day was not lost.

I grasped tightly at his sleeve
And he led me through the nightmare
With a humility so rare,
I thought safe and so reliable.

But he began to dance with the lost;
His beryl charm dwindled in the dark,
Becoming another grey remnant
Wandering in a sea of forfeited souls.

Yesterday I woke up from a dream,
Wondering if it was anything more,
But dreams are only dreams,
They are nothing to adore.

Then please, tell me why
I awoke to his beanie in my hand,
To a sting in my chest,
And to the hope of his return?

Who is this mysterious boy
That my heart breaks for,
That I can’t help but feel sorry for –
That I can’t quite remember?

He lives in a world of grey cellophane,
Of the lies we tell ourselves,
And monochromatic events
That forfeited souls still live for.

I remember his brilliant blue hue,
And his gentle reassurance
In the world of greyscale buildings,
But I no longer remember his face.

Today I woke up to a reality
Of strange occurrences and light,
Of unimaginable beauty and colour,
And I see the good in front of me.

I see the smiles of a thousand faces,
Yet I still search for the one
Who owns the blue beanie,
But does not live in the sunshine.

This world I live in knows no end,
The sun beams down brightly,
People laugh and people sing
And I lie looking at the sky.

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