Today I made a glass of strawberry milk

Today I made a glass of strawberry milk because it just felt like one of those days – to sit under the sun and enjoy the day while it lasted. It was a beautiful day to have a picnic with friends and laugh about anything, but I didn’t really have anyone to share today with. But that’s okay! I was happy to take a little break from seeing people, although I wonder if it’s because I have a large compulsion to sleep at the time of writing this.

Despite the weather being lovely, I found myself inside browsing Netflix. I had meant to watch Us for a long time; however, a conversation with a friend made me quite hesitant. He explained how he couldn’t handle it – the idea of doppelgangers trying to replace you is terrifying! But, today was the day I’d finally watch it. I wasn’t sure if it was the sugar from my strawberry milk or the movie itself (perhaps it was both), but the opening scene was so scary to me. I am not one to get scared watching horror movies, yet, I could feel my heart pounding.

Afraid that I might spill my milk, I placed it on the side table as I continued watching in fearful suspense. And for a good hour or so, my drink sat untouched because I didn’t know when I’d jump and if my drink would follow suit… I’m sure if someone watched me watch the movie, they’d get a good laugh out of it. Maybe they would have joined me yelling at the screen over the stupid decisions characters always make in horror movies. Gah!

Back to the strawberry milk though. It was delicious, even if I do say so myself. One thing I would do to improve for next time is draining the puree in a sieve. All the strawberry seeds float up to the top after mixing it and that can create an unpleasant texture (at least I think it would have been better without the seeds).

If you would like to try making your own strawberry milk, I have left my recipe below!


  • 1 cup of strawberries
  • 1/2 cup of condensed milk, or to taste
  • 200mL of skim/full cream milk
  • Tapioca pearls (optional)


  1. Puree 1/2 cup of strawberries and dice the other 1/2 cup of strawberries
  2. Add condensed milk to the pureed strawberries and mix
  3. Pour the puree mixture into a glass and add tapioca pearls
  4. Add milk and garnish with diced strawberries
  5. Stir and enjoy!

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