Today I sat on the couch

Today I sat on the couch
Thinking about yesterday;
It was a day spent hiding
From the scorching sun,
In new and bizarre places.

I found myself immersed in the world of music – I stood between different keyboards and microphones, near shelves of pedals and amplifiers, and among lovers of sound. I found myself merely along for the ride, satiating my boredom in an unplanned outing with a long-time friend. He bought a new microphone and we were shortly on our way to transport our taste buds to Japan.

The sun reigned over us
Commanding our surrender,
Yet we scoffed back in defiance,
Rigid in our hunger for ramen.

Eating ramen was a mistake in 30°C weather. Sweat formed on our foreheads as we battled the intake and the steam of the hot broth. He did not resign from the challenge, but I did. My bodysuit squeezed me like a corset, allowing the food little room to sit while I trudged on to a physical pain unlike anything I’d experienced before. The bowl had defeated me long before I finished the noodles and the half-finished broth taunted me as I could only stare at it, my eyes glazed over.

Walking had never been hard
That is, until that day.

It was a great comfort knowing we had made it back to the car in one piece, not burst like an over-stretched balloon as I had thought myself similar. The music returned as we turned on the car and journeyed to a new place. It was peaceful.

Time seemed to go so fast,
When it had been so slow
In the days before.

In the evening, I found myself in a place I would never find myself usually. I sat in a dark and dingy bar with a few friends here and there. We mingled over retro-themed margaritas and free nachos, and it was a joy I didn’t know I missed. Hearing about their lives delights me to no end, and I just love being a part of them.

In a corner away from the world,
We shared a few drinks and stories
Enjoying each other’s company,

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