A Light Slumber

The clock had struck two and
I found myself collapsing on a cluster
Of scattered cushions and messy blankets,
Drifting away into a light slumber.

Today was a rarity – a small lull
In a lifetime of chaotic proportion,
And it was a joy to rest, but
Many times I awoke to footsteps of men,
And the creaks of the house
As they walked on the roof above my head.

Still, it was not a day of grumbling
And there was much time to spare –
My eyes closed and my body submitted
To the gentle trance of the sandman.

I dared not to see such visions of
Old faces coming into view,
Yet, I was confronted by an unreality
Which chills me to my core;
A fantasy creation where you lead me
Into a place I do not belong.

I wanted to scream,
But my lips had no courage
To fight for a tangible reality,
So my body mustered the strength
To fly me back to the world I know.

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