Summer Fling

I close my eyes and peer into the past, reliving the memories I have made with you this summer.

I remember the spontaneity of a drive
To a place I hadn’t known –
To a home where I felt at home,
And the car ride conversations
In which I got to know you.

I remember the odd looks
You gave me as I made a fool of myself
On the tennis court of your home,
But I still loved every second of it.

I remember discovering you, my twin,
And your light-hearted character;
How you have encouraged me
In your wisdom and the sincere words
You have shared about yourself
And the words I write.

I remember the cheeky side eyes
We have shot each other from
The opposite ends of a room,
Your dangerously contagious smile,
And the many times you have
Managed to make me laugh.

I remember how we grabbed dessert,
Spontaneously, after a long day
Of fellowship and music practice,
And the hilarious realisation
That I have met your brother
Long before I ever knew you.

I remember your etiquette and
The amusing French conversations,
And I continue to be surprised by you,
And the strange selfies you send –
I honestly don’t know how to respond.

I see countless memories I made – the jubilant interactions with you, and I think, this is what Paul must have felt when writing to Philippi. God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.

I look back in time and reminisce
About the summer I have spent with you,
Desperately hoping those I have met
Are more than just summer flings.

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