To the one who has kept me warm

To the one who has kept me warm,

You have lent me your coat more than once. The time first was after the wedding we had attended a couple of years ago – when we sat by the beach on the Central Coast with a bunch of other people, eating fish and chips for lunch. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, but it was a windy day. It was also in winter, so I guess my judgement in wearing a thin cardigan over my thin jumpsuit, was a little flawed… functionally. Thank you for keeping me warm.

The second time was also at a beach. This time, a little to home, in Balmoral. We had woken up really early to see the sunrise, and even caught first light as we arrived. The air was a little chilly, yet, slightly humid and we had perched ourselves on a rock overlooking the ocean. We watched waves pull in and out, watched rowers paddle and people swim. And all was calm. As I sat on that rock in your nice grey coat, I thought, yeah, this is nice. Hearing the gentle lull of the sea, and listening to my sunrise playlist, soothed the soul. And you know, on that one morning, I’m pretty sure I learnt more about you than in the two years I had known you previously. You’re a tough nut to crack.

Sometimes you can be the biggest tsundere1 I know. Honestly, it’s really funny. When I showed you to the door the other day, I 100% expected your unimpressed response to the massive grin that slowly appeared on my face. But other times, you actually let your walls down – and I can have a genuine conversation with you. Those little occasions are so rare and so valuable.

I really do have fond memories of that morning and sunrise. I remember the pâté on sourdough and milk tea, scalding-to-the-point-it-couldn’t-humanly-be-consumed, that we had for breakfast; the calm anticipation of seeing the sunrise in mere moments and the small conversations in between the quiet; and how we sang praises to God in your car. It was a joy. I’d like to see the sunrise again.

What you mean to me, I’m not sure I can put it into words. Anything I write doesn’t quite explain it.

But, thank you for being a part of my life.

In Christ,


P.S. it always makes me happy when you show up to my gatherings – let’s get ramen soon.

1 A Japanese term for a character development process that depicts a character with a personality who is initially polarized warm/soft, cold, temperamental, hotheaded (and sometimes even hostile) before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time.

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