A ball of floof

I’ll admit, I haven’t had too much wordy inspiration today. I woke up a little earlier than anticipated, I ate a quick breakfast and even had time in the morning to do a little baking preparation. Mind you, I had somewhere to be later in the day, so that extra time I had in the morning was quite the blessing.

I met up with my friend, thinking I’d have to wait around because I was ten minutes early – he arrived earlier than I did! It’s great to have punctual friends. We visited this really cool store that let’s you try different types of headphones, and I’ve got to say, the listening experience was amazing. I now have my eye on a few models (and that’s not going to be easy on my wallet). We browsed different stores and had a few good laughs about nothing in particular. Then we had ramen for lunch!

It was undoubtedly a busy day that was full of different excitement, but even so, my mind was idealess. There just wasn’t any time for my mind to settle down and wander. Though, it makes me think about those who work full-time and don’t have the mental capacity to think about anything other than their jobs. Is this what it’s like?

Busyness has always been my companion – it has given me so much joy knowing that I can fill up my day because it just feels so productive. Yet, I hadn’t noticed that it affected how I ideate and create. I suppose that is something to think about when I find full-time work; I hope my creativity doesn’t fizzle out into oblivion.

Well… that’s my two cents for today.

I will let my video of this adorable dog, named Zelda, carry the rest. I spent a good few hours of my afternoon playing with this bundle of joy and would definitely say it was time well-spent. The way she looks at you, I could just die. She has such a captivating gaze and, my goodness, Zelda looks so happy when she’s around people. And the way she garners attention by cuddling up to you, GAH. I don’t think I’ve ever loved a dog more.

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