
The skies let down a straight drizzle,
No wind in sight and sun still shining,
But the morning air welcomed me
Into the wake of today.

From bleary-eyed colours,
My vision flickered into clear sight,
As idle hands reached for the phone
Which sat atop the nightstand.

I was still asleep, and didn’t know what I had read. I was confused.

A small gasp left my mouth
Unbelieving of what I had read,
Something about needing to talk,
Dare I say, about feelings?

Perhaps I would have panicked
A few months ago –
I could imagine
My cheeks, flushed,
My mouth, speechless,
And my mind, lost.

But I told myself to be wiser,
And not let my heart lead –
I told myself to breathe,
Deny any fantasy
That my heart creates
And forget conversations
That do not exist.

What is there to be afraid of?

I will still wake up tomorrow,
Catch glimpse of the sun,
And know that all is well.

A conversation is nothing to be afraid of –
It cannot take the air out of my lungs
And will not stop me breathing.

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