Look Up At The Stars

Look up at the stars
They’re like pieces of art
Floating above the ground

The air was cool and the night was dark, at least, away from where we found ourselves; away from the blinding lights of the gazebo decorated with warm fairy lights. Waiting for the last of us to arrive, we mused at nonsensical thoughts and wondered where they were. I remember jokes being thrown around, but not paying attention to the words spoken, for I was distracted by thoughts of being out there, and looking at the world in front of me.

I wish I could say I was at a loss for words, looking up at the stars.

As we departed from the stage we stood, I noticed it right away. The sky was patterned with different types of clouds, hiding the stars I so longed to see, replacing the small glints with light pollution that refracted all the way to the horizon. We crept further into the dark, chasing after then sights not usually seen. Our eyes, adjusting to the dusk, began to see the horizon as we climbed the steps to the place we would spend our time laughing the night away.

It’s a shame the stars aren’t out tonight, but I am still in awe of all that is before me. Though, tell me, would it be wrong to want to sit under the stars with you again?

I saw lights blinking in the distance,
Off of the hidden peninsula where we stood,
And there, I remember
The gentle breeze which delivered
Wind-swept hair to my face,
The salty scent upon my nose,
And the small spoken affirmations
To me, from afar.

I sat down on the edge of the rocky cliff face, looking out to the blinking lights in the distance, and listened to the voices of the ocean – both loud and quiet as it made its own music below. And you chased after small curiosities, as everyone gathered to talk.

To watch the waves charge and retreat,
And swirl around in a strange dance,
And drown the rocky shore,
Leaves me in awe of the world
And what beauty it still has to offer
In the brokenness of it all.

Isn’t it so easy to get caught up in the things you do, in the things you hear, and the people you see? But, to stop and marvel at the creation of our Creator – oh, what a gift it is!

Yet, to even attempt to explain my affections for it all, I cannot! My mouth fails to find words to express my feelings, and I am beside myself with such bewilderment because I am not easily confused about what I feel. But this I know, Lord. You are indescribable.

Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is like you – majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? Exodus 15:11

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