Gingerbread Brown

I remember hearing about you in my second year of university, and seeing you every so often. I don’t believe we talked at all but I knew you seemed like a cool person.

Like a gingerbread brown, you are a colour that doesn’t really stand out too much – you’re not loud and you aren’t as standoffish as, say a bright pink, but you are a colour that seems to work well with most things. However, you do have your moments that surprise me. It’s like… occasionally feeling the sting of ginger in a bite of gingerbread, mostly found in the chaos of unexpected humour.

It was nice to have gotten to know you more over the summer. I couldn’t imagine being on such amicable terms with you, especially since it was brought about by our shared experiences of frustrating admin work, the fact that we both drink plain milk (it’s totally not weird), or even our shared dislikes of certain things.

Honestly, I think it’s so bizarre that we have all these random things in common! But as I say this, I also know that you like a lot of things I don’t. Things like coffee and extremely dark chocolate – it is so weird that you like both sweet things and bitter things. Both do not cancel each other out, contrary to what you say.

I hope that, as the semester goes on, you find time to rest in all the busyness you are certain to find yourself in.

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