Summer Orange

I am reminded of you on Monday mornings. I walk at a leisurely pace through Darling Harbour, taking my time to enjoy the sun on my skin, breathing in the air and the music playing in my earbuds. On the Goods Line, it’s the Monarch butterflies that dance around the flowers in the flowerbeds, which remind me of you. They tease me with their presence in all their orange splendour as I walk to my grow group. Every now and again, they come up close for a split second and flutter past as if nothing happened. It was a surprise and a joy to have been so close, even if only for a short while.

Warm like summer mornings, is there anyone who doesn’t like you? Like an orange, you are sweet in your gentlemanly courtesies. I remember the first time I saw you hold the door for everyone. You said, “chivalry is not dead”. It was unexpected but it made me smile a little. And just like you, oranges are sour in the intentional bouts of chaos you bring to the table. You’re a lot of fun. I really enjoy your company, whether it’s when you’re energetic and quirky like the summer or simmering in thought as one would do when watching a sunset.

Something I’ve noticed about you is that you easily take in the atmosphere. You become quite cat-like later at night. Rather than a bright orange, you glow a little closer to yellow. You’re calmer and looking as if you could curl up somewhere quieter, but you’re still warm like sunsets and tungsten lightbulbs.

I know you don’t see yourself as this colour, but as I think about it more and more, all I can see is layers of different oranges that make up, you. You are incredibly warm, a bit quirky, and undoubtedly well-loved by many people—and I also see how much you love the people around you. Without a doubt, you are a man after God’s own heart.

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