Stop Sign Red

I can’t believe how much you’ve changed since the last time I met you. From the rigid person who held such an authoritative presence with such intensity, uncomfortable to most, you have become this mellow man that seems to know his way around the world—you even wrote a poem! I remember the surprise I felt and, even more so, being proud of you and incredibly encouraged by how much you’ve grown in so many ways. I suppose this is what having a strong and empathetic woman by your side does.

You are known, first, for your intensity and, second, for your strong opinions. Just like a stop sign, you stand out and espouse authority. Though, some may still ignore you—people do drive through stop signs and red lights every now and again, especially during late-night drives when there are no cars around. But it’s difficult to ignore you because of your boldness in sharing your opinion on controversial topics. You are resolute and offensive, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing… most of the time. I loved that I could be extremely candid with you and was relieved knowing I could rant about those frustrating little things we had to endure as leaders. It’s just so strange to think that this was all such a long time ago.

I don’t see you very often, but I will see you soon. I can’t wait for the wedding!

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