Ocean Blue

You came into my life like a strange flood rushing in. I remember the first moment I met you, and the impression you made on me. As a first-year student just starting out at university, I was a little intimidated by you—you were just really weird! I didn’t know we’d become such good friends.

Closer to the surface, people enjoy you for your light-hearted jabs and the occasional bursts of eccentric personality, much like how bigger waves sporadically come into the shore. And as you delve deeper, people see your intuition and insight, which wholly makes up your darker blue hues, just like the ocean. I look back to the nostalgic Wednesday night hangouts with the others in the city, particularly the one night we walked by the water in Darling Harbour, and smile fondly. In hindsight, I know I committed to too many things at the time and had a lot on my mind, so I’m glad to have had that night to chat, and I really appreciate your help in navigating my many thoughts.

We don’t see each other as often—I see you every couple of months or so, but it makes me look forward to the time I get to spend with you. But I will say, you are such an awful texter! I definitely don’t appreciate being ignored, but you always seem to be there when I actually need you. So, thank you. Even when you’re being annoying, I really enjoy your company.

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