Small and Mighty

Two nights ago, I was feeling pretty bummed out. I needed to distract myself from my worries, and it didn’t feel like a Netflix night. I wanted to see my friends. But it just so happens that we get busier as we get older, and it’s harder to catch your loved ones, even if only for a little while.

Still, I hoped to spend time with one of my close friends again. Two months went by in the blink of an eye. Yet, I still longed to see her again. The last few plans we had together fell through, and I was obviously distraught at not being able to spend time with her for so long. So, I hoped I could make last-minute plans.

But in this day and age, it is so challenging to be spontaneous because everyone is busy all the time, and I hate it! Also, being a working adult sucks sometimes—there’s less time and energy for the people you love (if you have a demanding job and/or don’t manage your time well). That reminds me of something my friend told me at church, but that’s another story.

My friend lives close to me, and I figured we could spend time catching up if she was available. And to my delight, she picked up when I called. It was good to hear her voice.

I appreciate how our conversations are always candid but never lacking in love. More often than not, she’s the one to affirm my feelings despite my tendency to invalidate them through hardship. But get this, she always reminds me of how good God is in all situations without discrediting how I feel. To all my Christian readers, this is something we should strive for. Rather than seeing a problem to solve, we need to do better at loving others and showing them they are seen and loved by God through us.

Even the funny things my friend says are so encouraging. It’s such a precious gift to have people in your life that just seem to get you. And for creatives, finding people like that is already a difficult task. At least, that’s how I feel.

Still, in God’s perfect timing, that phone call was exactly what we needed. The last couple of months were rough on us both. She felt all “poopy” and wasn’t in the right headspace for various reasons, but it seemed like her spirits were lifted once we caught up over the phone.

“You’re like a chess piece,” my friend enthusiastically affirmed. “God always uses you so well in the right moments, and I am so thankful for you.”

She continued encouraging me and reminding me of my character, going so far as to say, “You remind me of Jesus”. And I just wept. I was told many things—very rarely do I hear God speaking directly to me in this way, but this was one of those times. The pressure I put on myself was already something I’d been thinking about lately. Still, this conversation was probably the nail in the coffin, finally leading me to surrender these burdens.

This moment really goes to show how powerfully God can work through something so small and people who are weak. He can move mountains, yet, we constantly forget that when we think about our everyday lives. Isn’t that crazy?

Because even if you feel the whole world is against you, you are loved and cherished by a god who created the universe. He conquered death and forgave our sins when we had no redeeming qualities.

Sometimes feelings aren’t an accurate depiction of reality.

It’s so easy to let your feelings take control of your thoughts and actions. I struggle with accepting that I’m limited and that I can’t take away the pain from my loved ones. But we weren’t ever meant to bear that burden because God has it covered. And I know this is where my faith falls short.

Yet, God continues to reveal His perfect timing in small and mighty ways. With full gladness, I’m so happy that God used me to lift up my friend’s mood. And for those who feel the hopelessness of being unable to take away your loved ones’ grief, just know that it makes a difference when you’re there for them—God might use you powerfully too.

Thanks for reading.

In other news, I’ve decided to try posting content more regularly and have set up this convoluted content calendar that will hopefully keep me accountable. For the rest of the year, I have several ideas and topics, that I’ve wanted to cover for a while, all lined up and ready to write. Wish me luck!

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