To the one who pushes me forward

To the one who pushes me forward, I always enjoy it when you message me. Why? Well, because I know you’re inviting me out somewhere and you know I love making plans – even more so when they’re spontaneous. There is something about last-minute plans that just seem so genuine and fun. Perhaps this particularContinueContinue reading “To the one who pushes me forward”

Sleeping Potions

Sitting under a small chandelier, I see visions of tea parties Non-existent to the naked eye, But to the visionaries, they see new Worlds of pure ecstasy. I may be a little distant from reality Because of mood-lifting potions, Toxic to the soul, But I find joy in unusual states – Is that why peopleContinueContinue reading “Sleeping Potions”

To the boy looking for a fight

To the boy looking for a fight, how did this all start? I’m a little confused, because I remember my first impression of you – I didn’t think much. Ok, banter aside, I was really encouraged by your testimony. It was a perspective that I hadn’t really heard before, so it was interesting to learnContinueContinue reading “To the boy looking for a fight”

City Rain

I see clusters of umbrellas in the distance And heads ducking under frantic hands As if to hide from the falling mist. They come in waves and wait at traffic lights, Watching cars pass by and neon lights glow. The rush of necessity drives them forward – They walk briskly, their legs sprayed by dropletsContinueContinue reading “City Rain”

Living Inside the World of Film

Today, I went to the beach. The weather wasn’t particularly good – the sky was blanketed in clouds that brought a little drizzle to the earth, and it was cooler, yet more humid than most summer days that I am used to. Despite the terrible weather, I was still so determined to go, and weContinueContinue reading “Living Inside the World of Film”

Tomorrow I Will Fly

Tonight, I found myself in the company Of old friends at different life stages, Making conversation as if we were never apart Or separated by different callings; Rarely do we ever see each other and Remind ourselves of the bond we share, Or the time we had Wondering where tomorrow takes us. I hear theirContinueContinue reading “Tomorrow I Will Fly”

Nothing New

Just a little more, I fret, Of a treasure always sought; time – Elevating my need to start Living once more. Tomorrow I shall try something else, Hark, it is merely a trap And nothing that will bring you joy – Nothing but faithful reassurance, yet, Karma they cry. You patronise me about my wayContinueContinue reading “Nothing New”

On Pointe

She stepped into the room Of mirrors and barres, Remembering the smell of hard work And the sight of ugly injuries. Her legs unresponsive to the call,Still she soared into uncertainty – Another fall perchance, or A leap into new confidence? — Two years. Not a day went by without the thought of you; TheContinueContinue reading “On Pointe”

Join Us

Enamoured by the dazzling lights, I walked into the tent and saw a realm of wonder. Macho men and women with tiny waists stood on scattered podiums, captivating curious onlookers. Many of these onlookers were women who wore a classic red lip, dresses which brought out their figure, and feathered scarves, all while donning menContinueContinue reading “Join Us”

A Cry for Help

If you asked me what I see When I look at you, I’d stifle an awkward smile And cast                 downward                                     eyes. ​A little boy, Lost amongst the trees, In a forest of anguish And expectation. The temptation you So desperately crave Could never quite reach Anyone’s ears. ​You ask me again, You, aContinueContinue reading “A Cry for Help”