Summer Fling, pt. 2

To the ones with which I have spent the summer, I have found so much delight in the conversations we have had and the wanderings we have shared. I remember a couple of years ago, The time I first met you And I think, you have changed – I see who you have become, WhoContinueContinue reading “Summer Fling, pt. 2”

Valentine’s Day

I awoke to a whispered laugh, exclaiming he hated waking up sleepers in the night. They both chuckled quietly as I lazily slurred, “I’m awake”. He was glad he didn’t need to shake me awake. Dark skies shrouded the house With morning silence And the shuffle of sleepy feet, Hurrying to planned getaways On theContinueContinue reading “Valentine’s Day”

The Eve of Valentine’s Day

She chased after the time Lost to sleep and disorganisation – Flitting wind and rain-swept hair, She fought the vertical rain With her navy blue umbrella. Stranger familiars greeted her With kind words at the glass door, Then sent her up stairways, Corridors of empty rooms And silent spaces. Words spoken, Her ears unlistening, SheContinueContinue reading “The Eve of Valentine’s Day”

Growing Pains

The time spent together Cannot be undone – do I regret it? Who can say time heals all? Then perhaps I am weak, Swept away By the course of time, A cruel ruler of the ages, Who laughs at the growing pains Of mortality. But they scoff, “What a gloomy girl,” Then they retort, “OhContinueContinue reading “Growing Pains”

A ball of floof

I’ll admit, I haven’t had too much wordy inspiration today. I woke up a little earlier than anticipated, I ate a quick breakfast and even had time in the morning to do a little baking preparation. Mind you, I had somewhere to be later in the day, so that extra time I had in theContinueContinue reading “A ball of floof”

Send off

Today I was awoken by the sounds of a familiar and unfamiliar voice. One was a man sent to spray pesticide in the house to keep those nettlesome cockroaches at bay, and the other was someone I knew all too well. Sometime in high school, he became a part of my church family. He wasContinueContinue reading “Send off”

To the one who has kept me warm

To the one who has kept me warm, You have lent me your coat more than once. The time first was after the wedding we had attended a couple of years ago – when we sat by the beach on the Central Coast with a bunch of other people, eating fish and chips for lunch.ContinueContinue reading “To the one who has kept me warm”

You’re a leader

There is a phrase I’ve been hearing a lot lately. I’m not sure when it began – sometime this year, I noticed a strange pattern. In my experience, it isn’t uncommon for someone to ask my opinion on a matter, and that’s what people have been doing. It often comes after some sort of discussionContinueContinue reading “You’re a leader”

Summer Fling

I close my eyes and peer into the past, reliving the memories I have made with you this summer. I remember the spontaneity of a drive To a place I hadn’t known – To a home where I felt at home, And the car ride conversations In which I got to know you. I rememberContinueContinue reading “Summer Fling”