Strawberry Milk

FADE IN: INT. SUBURBAN HOMES – NIGHT WE OPEN on Discord. Four friends sit at their computers, in contrastingly lit rooms, chatting with each other on a voice channel with their cameras on. While doing their own things, they talk about foods they miss eating and stumble into an argument over the best flavour ofContinueContinue reading “Strawberry Milk”

A ball of floof

I’ll admit, I haven’t had too much wordy inspiration today. I woke up a little earlier than anticipated, I ate a quick breakfast and even had time in the morning to do a little baking preparation. Mind you, I had somewhere to be later in the day, so that extra time I had in theContinueContinue reading “A ball of floof”

Today I made a glass of strawberry milk

Today I made a glass of strawberry milk because it just felt like one of those days – to sit under the sun and enjoy the day while it lasted. It was a beautiful day to have a picnic with friends and laugh about anything, but I didn’t really have anyone to share today with.ContinueContinue reading “Today I made a glass of strawberry milk”