Unseen, Unheard

There once was a doll who lived in a toy store display. Many walked by and admired her beauty and sweet smile, but eventually, everyone left. That is until one day, a girl stopped and stayed. She smiled at the doll, looking beyond the smile and seeing the passion hidden behind her lonely eyes. TheContinueContinue reading “Unseen, Unheard”

Growing Old

In a cosy corner of a Thai restaurant, we were seated at a booth in the back during a lunch date a little later than when people usually eat. Between our conversations about the food, there were talks about memories of friendship and war, talks of work and leisure, and of growing old. I wasContinueContinue reading “Growing Old”

Winter Coat

I always find it interesting how people view me. Most of the time, I hear that people have found me scary and intimidating. Other descriptions include: interesting, thoughtful, insane, and “has no chill”. This reminded me of a conversation I had a while ago. I sighed and told my friend that I’m a little insecureContinueContinue reading “Winter Coat”

Look Up At The Stars

Look up at the stars They’re like pieces of art Floating above the ground https://open.spotify.com/track/3XK7BaY0KkRnu7cpZlOZwI?si=XtMZYq_ySNm84v7NtRMEYg The air was cool and the night was dark, at least, away from where we found ourselves; away from the blinding lights of the gazebo decorated with warm fairy lights. Waiting for the last of us to arrive, we musedContinueContinue reading “Look Up At The Stars”

City Rain

I see clusters of umbrellas in the distance And heads ducking under frantic hands As if to hide from the falling mist. They come in waves and wait at traffic lights, Watching cars pass by and neon lights glow. The rush of necessity drives them forward – They walk briskly, their legs sprayed by dropletsContinueContinue reading “City Rain”

A Cry for Help

If you asked me what I see When I look at you, I’d stifle an awkward smile And cast                 downward                                     eyes. ​A little boy, Lost amongst the trees, In a forest of anguish And expectation. The temptation you So desperately crave Could never quite reach Anyone’s ears. ​You ask me again, You, aContinueContinue reading “A Cry for Help”


In the place of a loved memory lives another photo. She picked up the small photo frame that once sat on her windowsill; it belonged in front of a flowerbed of lavender, rosemary and honey bees. She gazed at the photo lovingly, but expressed a hint of melancholy in her smile. It was merely anContinueContinue reading “Placeholder”

Today I saw her cry

Today I saw her cry Out of the corner of my eye; It was only a split second Before she noticed eyes on her, And quickly wiped the tears From her face with her sleeve. She espouses an aura of happiness where ever she goes, sharing her joys in the smallest of things. She isContinueContinue reading “Today I saw her cry”

Lost in the Crowd

For a while, I think I’ve been a little lost. Maybe I’ve been a little too immersed in the wonders and tragedies of the world. Getting lost in nature becomes harder as urbanisation happens in the outer parts of Sydney – not that I mind, because I really enjoyed walking around the city at nightContinueContinue reading “Lost in the Crowd”

To the boy I had loved before

I hope this letter finds you well. I don’t mean to open old wounds, and I’m not sure whether this is appropriate. I feel like the conversation we had on the train ride home was somewhat cut short and I was happy to leave it there, but maybe it was because I buried it underContinueContinue reading “To the boy I had loved before”