Growing Old

In a cosy corner of a Thai restaurant, we were seated at a booth in the back during a lunch date a little later than when people usually eat. Between our conversations about the food, there were talks about memories of friendship and war, talks of work and leisure, and of growing old. I wasContinueContinue reading “Growing Old”

Winter Coat

I always find it interesting how people view me. Most of the time, I hear that people have found me scary and intimidating. Other descriptions include: interesting, thoughtful, insane, and “has no chill”. This reminded me of a conversation I had a while ago. I sighed and told my friend that I’m a little insecureContinueContinue reading “Winter Coat”

Cereal Mix

If the past two weeks of my life were a bowl of cereal, It would be as if a toddler had grabbed All the different types of cereal from the pantry And added every single one to his bowl; And he would clumsily spill a little Onto the countertop each time he went back forContinueContinue reading “Cereal Mix”

Summer Rain

The seasons changed from spring to summer During a festivity of gift-giving and family drama. It was a typical Australian Christmas, Full of temperamental weather and no sun in sight. Who decided on such a gloomy season That was supposed to be full of joy and no plight? I expected a summer of grandeur underContinueContinue reading “Summer Rain”


Lately, I’ve been thinking about something that seems to have been eating away at me for a while. It’s this feeling of being too much. My friends tell me, You’re not high maintenance. And I see it in their eyes that they mean it. Why was I so convinced otherwise? Well, it’s simple really. YouContinueContinue reading “Happier”

I Can’t Complain

Yesterday, I was unhappy About the girl I saw in the mirror, But ignored the physical flaws In favour of an extraordinary day Overflowing with joyous celebration. I was anxious having to wait For a car that never came, And needing to find A new way to the room Of happy eyes and masked smiles.ContinueContinue reading “I Can’t Complain”

The Window to the Sky As a new beginning dawned On a beach where we once stood, During the dark hues of a dusk, Where the stars were shy And the waters, mysterious. We smiled at each other And greeted the cloudy sky. Like a young heartbeat, the window to the sky slowly flickered a pale yellow. To knowContinueContinue reading “The Window to the Sky”