Yesterday I planned my future

Yesterday I planned my future, One day in advance For I had nothing better to do. My hands despise idleness And pushes my brain to think, Encourages my legs to travel, Citing all sorts of adventures. I wonder where my plans will lead, For they never play out As they are purposed, But I enjoyContinueContinue reading “Yesterday I planned my future”

Yesterday I got into a stranger’s car

Yesterday I got into a stranger’s car – She was a refreshing character, Who felt so real in this world Of courtesy and strange politics. We drove to unfamiliar places, Conversing about who we are, As well as the small things That we are blessed to have. Our first destination in the hills Was homeContinueContinue reading “Yesterday I got into a stranger’s car”

Yesterday I missed my bus stop

Yesterday I missed my bus stop Because I daydreamed about the future. I smiled as I thought about taking Those daily one second snippets I would love and cherish. I was imagining a whole year in review Before it had already started, Because I am excited For the days to come. The bus drove byContinueContinue reading “Yesterday I missed my bus stop”

Yesterday I woke up from a dream

Yesterday I woke up from a dream – The world welcomed a new normal, A new normal of everlasting days And sleepless nights. I lived in a world of grey cellophane, Of the lies we tell ourselves, And monochromatic events That forfeited souls still live for. In that world lived a boy with a beanie;ContinueContinue reading “Yesterday I woke up from a dream”

Sunny Days, Cloudy Judgement

In days gone by, she may have given Her thoughts not a second glance, But entertaining them leaves her So uncertain. For better or for worse, Her head has been up in the clouds, Stuck on spiraling thoughts about – Herself. On sunny days she looks up to the sky, The birds fly and bicker,ContinueContinue reading “Sunny Days, Cloudy Judgement”

To the boy I had loved before

I hope this letter finds you well. I don’t mean to open old wounds, and I’m not sure whether this is appropriate. I feel like the conversation we had on the train ride home was somewhat cut short and I was happy to leave it there, but maybe it was because I buried it underContinueContinue reading “To the boy I had loved before”