
Every day my dad comes home from work I give him a big tight hug, He hugs me back with a smile, And pulls out change from his pocket. He tells me to put it in my piggy bank, But sometimes I’m allowed to spend money On snacks at the school canteen Because he spoilsContinueContinue reading “Piggybank”

Love is…

Only a fool believes Love is weakness or strength, exclusively. ​The bane of one’s existence, Blinded by rays of false security, Without admitting it dictates strength, When selfless and honest. Only a fool believes Love can only be between lovers. ​To remember a special moment And occasionally spoil another, To look back after an argumentContinueContinue reading “Love is…”

Little Boy Pride

Little Boy Pride Makes a name in vain, Eyed by cohorts of envy And classes of shallow lamenters. In rooms of achievement, Silent sneers concealed By his Shadow – Expectation fueled his desire. Anglican choir; still sins remain, Peaks of misgivings And Pride’s bane. Girls’ eyes glint of curiosity, Puppets of greed for stability ToContinueContinue reading “Little Boy Pride”