Heart Wrapped Up in Tin Foil

Last night, I had a dream. I found an old suitcase in a dimly lit Victorian room reminiscent of those seen in horror game mansions. The darkness shied away from the candle on the nightstand, and I sat on the wooden floorboards, wondering what was in the tattered suitcase.  My hand approached the lid slowly,ContinueContinue reading “Heart Wrapped Up in Tin Foil”


Calendars are fantastic when you know how to use them. I thrive on keeping my calendar updated because it’s incredibly satisfying to know everything is organised. Before everyone’s lives were uprooted and we were plunged into lockdown, my planners kept me going. I had all events and appointments marked, accurate to the quarter hour. AndContinueContinue reading “Calendars”

Garden of Wonder

Over the past few months, I’ve been thinking about a lot of things. Expectations, joy, vulnerability—if you name something, I’ve probably also thought about that too. And if I’m really honest with myself, for the past year it has been hard to share about my life. No, it’s not because I’ve been having a difficultContinueContinue reading “Garden of Wonder”

Behind the Smile

The first three months of this year have passed, but the season ahead still seems dry and barren. I won’t pretend that this year has been a good one. Even among the Hokkaido snow of the new year, I battled exhaustion and this mixed feeling of loneliness and trepidation that I could not explain. ItContinueContinue reading “Behind the Smile”

Unseen, Unheard

There once was a doll who lived in a toy store display. Many walked by and admired her beauty and sweet smile, but eventually, everyone left. That is until one day, a girl stopped and stayed. She smiled at the doll, looking beyond the smile and seeing the passion hidden behind her lonely eyes. TheContinueContinue reading “Unseen, Unheard”


In the garden of Gethsemane, the battle was won. Jesus knew the path ahead of him and all the pain and suffering he would have to endure. Yet, he surrendered to God’s will, knowing all this. Still, even Jesus despaired. In his distress, Jesus approached the Father three times and prayed to Him. Jesus, hisContinueContinue reading “Abandoned”

Location Unknown

Being on the flight to Japan was exciting. I hadn’t been in a long time, and it comforted me to experience it again. And with that, I found myself in a familiar city that had changed with time. The air was slightly cooler than I remember, but it still had a strange quality to itContinueContinue reading “Location Unknown”