
Yesterday was a strange day. It was full of many things to do, many people to see and many conversations to tend to. And people who know me would probably ask: what makes it different from any other day you live? I remember listening to a conversation about living life as if you were onContinueContinue reading “Autopilot”

Shadows of the Night

Out of the corner of wary eyes, Any sudden movement Caught fearful glances, Making way for cautious footsteps And irrational apprehension. They kept in every urge to scream With every shadow that passed, Holding their breath tightly, Leaving each word Of meaningful conversation, To be halted by muffled gasps And small leaps to safer ground.

Chasing Dreams

My eyelids feel the weight of many hours researching and writing, reading and listening, and many more thoughts and duties. Tomorrow will be the same, only worse. The clock ticks over to eleven And curtains fall on another day, Lights still on in their eyes Even though the show Had come to an end. LethargicContinueContinue reading “Chasing Dreams”


Last Monday morning, she sluggishly woke up to the first alarm she had set for the day. Her phone read, 7:30 am. Snoozing the alarm, she rolled over to catch a few more minutes of rest before the day shook her awake and demanded she works. Alarms went off at 15 minute intervals, never quiteContinueContinue reading “Trepidation”

Breath of Life

You are the one who Breathed life into us, Shaping us from the dust, Turning us into something more Than unformed jars of broken clay. You placed us In different parts of the world, Purposed for greater things We could never fathom, Yet, we toss and turn, And break our bodies, And insist we knowContinueContinue reading “Breath of Life”

Out in the Open

Why do words feel looser on the tongue When night falls and stars shine? Is it because the air flirts with your lungs Without the baggage of an intrusive day, And busy thoughts? I feel the grass under my fingertips, I see the stars shine when the clouds disperse, And I hear your voice amongContinueContinue reading “Out in the Open”

In Between

She wakes up from another slumber Like the drowned gasping for air, Yet, she only dreams black, And does not know What torments her so. Her world is still dark Until the blinds are raised, But she always lies there Amidst the glimmers of light Through the gaps of curtain, To catch her breath AndContinueContinue reading “In Between”


The skies let down a straight drizzle, No wind in sight and sun still shining, But the morning air welcomed me Into the wake of today. From bleary-eyed colours, My vision flickered into clear sight, As idle hands reached for the phone Which sat atop the nightstand. I was still asleep, and didn’t know whatContinueContinue reading “Air”