Out in the Open

Why do words feel looser on the tongue When night falls and stars shine? Is it because the air flirts with your lungs Without the baggage of an intrusive day, And busy thoughts? I feel the grass under my fingertips, I see the stars shine when the clouds disperse, And I hear your voice amongContinueContinue reading “Out in the Open”

To the one who has kept me warm

To the one who has kept me warm, You have lent me your coat more than once. The time first was after the wedding we had attended a couple of years ago – when we sat by the beach on the Central Coast with a bunch of other people, eating fish and chips for lunch.ContinueContinue reading “To the one who has kept me warm”

Tomorrow I Will Fly

Tonight, I found myself in the company Of old friends at different life stages, Making conversation as if we were never apart Or separated by different callings; Rarely do we ever see each other and Remind ourselves of the bond we share, Or the time we had Wondering where tomorrow takes us. I hear theirContinueContinue reading “Tomorrow I Will Fly”