Charcoal Grey

From the moment I first saw you, I knew you were different to everyone else. Your demeanour, simultaneously awkward and comfortable in nature, caught my attention in the few places I saw you. I had no idea who you were and you never really stuck around to interact with anyone else, so I never talkedContinueContinue reading “Charcoal Grey”

Canary Yellow

You carry around your phone cased in an artwork of sunflowers, showing the world a bit about you. To the world, you are most definitely a beaming canary yellow. A light that shines, revealing so much joy and excitement. You balanced out my cynicism in my younger years and I’d like to think I’ve adoptedContinueContinue reading “Canary Yellow”

Seafoam Green

In a fantastical world of majestic and mythical creatures, I think you would be a mermaid. I don’t know why, but you just seem like the type – perhaps it’s because you can be elegant and a little playful. Elegant in how you present yourself, and playful in your jokes, which can sometimes be aContinueContinue reading “Seafoam Green”

Maple Red

There have been a lot of people I’ve spent time with this summer, and many of them I didn’t expect would become people I love with much affection. You are one of them. Tonight I feel a little distracted and my words aren’t quite flowing right, but I hope you’ll bear with me. To theContinueContinue reading “Maple Red”

Stone Blue

Through the boyish bravado you espouse in larger crowds and your loud and “intimidating” voice, I remember thinking, what is wrong with this person? You stood at the front of the lecture hall with a serious look – a look in which I would almost consider, stone-faced. Truth be told, I actually felt a bitContinueContinue reading “Stone Blue”

Gingerbread Brown

I remember hearing about you in my second year of university, and seeing you every so often. I don’t believe we talked at all but I knew you seemed like a cool person. Like a gingerbread brown, you are a colour that doesn’t really stand out too much – you’re not loud and you aren’tContinueContinue reading “Gingerbread Brown”

Champagne Pink

As I use what little time I have now to reflect and write, I wonder what it would have been like to never have met you. The question of going back and changing the past always presents a can of worms; I guess I wouldn’t know what I’d be missing out on. But, I thinkContinueContinue reading “Champagne Pink”

Living Inside the World of Film

Today, I went to the beach. The weather wasn’t particularly good – the sky was blanketed in clouds that brought a little drizzle to the earth, and it was cooler, yet more humid than most summer days that I am used to. Despite the terrible weather, I was still so determined to go, and weContinueContinue reading “Living Inside the World of Film”

Yesterday I woke up from a dream

Yesterday I woke up from a dream – The world welcomed a new normal, A new normal of everlasting days And sleepless nights. I lived in a world of grey cellophane, Of the lies we tell ourselves, And monochromatic events That forfeited souls still live for. In that world lived a boy with a beanie;ContinueContinue reading “Yesterday I woke up from a dream”