Heart Wrapped Up in Tin Foil

Last night, I had a dream. I found an old suitcase in a dimly lit Victorian room reminiscent of those seen in horror game mansions. The darkness shied away from the candle on the nightstand, and I sat on the wooden floorboards, wondering what was in the tattered suitcase.  My hand approached the lid slowly,ContinueContinue reading “Heart Wrapped Up in Tin Foil”

The Turn-Tale Heart

I’m stuck. I’m stuck. I’m stuck. I hear your heartbeat from under the floorboards Tormenting me in my sleep and in my wake. It’s not real, I know it’s in my head Because I am alive and breathing, And you are not. Get out. Get out. GET OUT. It’s daytime, you don’t belong here, SoContinueContinue reading “The Turn-Tale Heart”

Conversations in my head

Hello world (wide web)! It’s been a while – so long that I don’t remember the last thing I posted. It’s not even because I was procrastinating, honest! Usually, blogs start and its owner will have the nerve to stop posting one day. They start off strong, but the code eventually stops and you findContinueContinue reading “Conversations in my head”