Golden Hour

There is a time when the night Calls for a little quiet so as Not to disturb your neighbour. My favourite people decided to Return home before the night falls further, And the night doesn’t quite Seem right without them. As we lie on the floor eyeing the ceiling, I think back to the hoursContinueContinue reading “Golden Hour”

Write a Poem About Me

Tonight, I met someone new In a warm and familiar house; We sat around a wooden table And my friends began talking about my words – My words, which have pulled heartstrings. They asked for a poem, One fit for a boy who hid stories Behind his tightly sealed lips, Yet, there is only soContinueContinue reading “Write a Poem About Me”

I forgot to eat.

Today, I finally had some time to myself at home. No, I didn’t stay in bed all day and watch Netflix, or anything unproductive like that. I did a lot of cleaning. Sometimes I can get a little carried away, and that may mean I forget to do important things… like eating. Yes, I forgotContinueContinue reading “I forgot to eat.”