
In the short and fleeting years of my life, I have lived many lifetimes. When I was young, I climbed the roof of my home, Searching for something more exciting To see or hear or do, Only to realise there isn’t much. Yet, I continued to search And climbed trees as high as the skyContinueContinue reading “Lifetimes”


Yesterday was a strange day. It was full of many things to do, many people to see and many conversations to tend to. And people who know me would probably ask: what makes it different from any other day you live? I remember listening to a conversation about living life as if you were onContinueContinue reading “Autopilot”

Nothing New

Just a little more, I fret, Of a treasure always sought; time – Elevating my need to start Living once more. Tomorrow I shall try something else, Hark, it is merely a trap And nothing that will bring you joy – Nothing but faithful reassurance, yet, Karma they cry. You patronise me about my wayContinueContinue reading “Nothing New”