Location Unknown

Being on the flight to Japan was exciting. I hadn’t been in a long time, and it comforted me to experience it again. And with that, I found myself in a familiar city that had changed with time. The air was slightly cooler than I remember, but it still had a strange quality to itContinueContinue reading “Location Unknown”

A Cry for Help

If you asked me what I see When I look at you, I’d stifle an awkward smile And cast                 downward                                     eyes. ​A little boy, Lost amongst the trees, In a forest of anguish And expectation. The temptation you So desperately crave Could never quite reach Anyone’s ears. ​You ask me again, You, aContinueContinue reading “A Cry for Help”


In the place of a loved memory lives another photo. She picked up the small photo frame that once sat on her windowsill; it belonged in front of a flowerbed of lavender, rosemary and honey bees. She gazed at the photo lovingly, but expressed a hint of melancholy in her smile. It was merely anContinueContinue reading “Placeholder”


She is like a fire in a storm, Her flame is small but burns With desire for more than this – Whatever this is. Is there anybody out there? Faces welcome her to join in And play with new personas, But they always say goodbye And never say hello. She moves from person to person,ContinueContinue reading “Drifter”

Tomorrow I hope to see you again

Tomorrow I hope to see you again. I feel like this is how I am – I am always longing for your company. A couple of hours with you is never enough. I always find myself wanting to tell you many things, but only managing to muster a few words of hyper-condensed sentences that skipsContinueContinue reading “Tomorrow I hope to see you again”