
In the garden of Gethsemane, the battle was won. Jesus knew the path ahead of him and all the pain and suffering he would have to endure. Yet, he surrendered to God’s will, knowing all this. Still, even Jesus despaired. In his distress, Jesus approached the Father three times and prayed to Him. Jesus, hisContinueContinue reading “Abandoned”

Winter Coat

I always find it interesting how people view me. Most of the time, I hear that people have found me scary and intimidating. Other descriptions include: interesting, thoughtful, insane, and “has no chill”. This reminded me of a conversation I had a while ago. I sighed and told my friend that I’m a little insecureContinueContinue reading “Winter Coat”


Lately, I’ve been thinking about something that seems to have been eating away at me for a while. It’s this feeling of being too much. My friends tell me, You’re not high maintenance. And I see it in their eyes that they mean it. Why was I so convinced otherwise? Well, it’s simple really. YouContinueContinue reading “Happier”

I Can’t Complain

Yesterday, I was unhappy About the girl I saw in the mirror, But ignored the physical flaws In favour of an extraordinary day Overflowing with joyous celebration. I was anxious having to wait For a car that never came, And needing to find A new way to the room Of happy eyes and masked smiles.ContinueContinue reading “I Can’t Complain”

Charcoal Grey

From the moment I first saw you, I knew you were different to everyone else. Your demeanour, simultaneously awkward and comfortable in nature, caught my attention in the few places I saw you. I had no idea who you were and you never really stuck around to interact with anyone else, so I never talkedContinueContinue reading “Charcoal Grey”

Maple Red

There have been a lot of people I’ve spent time with this summer, and many of them I didn’t expect would become people I love with much affection. You are one of them. Tonight I feel a little distracted and my words aren’t quite flowing right, but I hope you’ll bear with me. To theContinueContinue reading “Maple Red”

In Between

She wakes up from another slumber Like the drowned gasping for air, Yet, she only dreams black, And does not know What torments her so. Her world is still dark Until the blinds are raised, But she always lies there Amidst the glimmers of light Through the gaps of curtain, To catch her breath AndContinueContinue reading “In Between”