
It had been a while since I saw you last, and all I could think was how much I looked forward to seeing you again. We don’t see each other often, and it’s probably better this way, but after a rough couple of weeks overseas, seeing you lifted my spirits. Honestly, the past several monthsContinueContinue reading “Euphoria”

City Rain

I see clusters of umbrellas in the distance And heads ducking under frantic hands As if to hide from the falling mist. They come in waves and wait at traffic lights, Watching cars pass by and neon lights glow. The rush of necessity drives them forward – They walk briskly, their legs sprayed by dropletsContinueContinue reading “City Rain”


Have you had a song written about you? Someone has, in fact, written a song for me and it just so happens that they are an excellent composer and thoughtful sound designer. I never understood why musicians were so sought after, but I totally get it now. To know someone thought of you and putContinueContinue reading “Gratitude”