Never Alone

I have seen stars spread across the sky And billions of sand grains blanketing beaches Off the east coast of my home. There have been geese with scary teeth, And leaves that turn red at the touch of autumn, Yet, we’re so quick to forget the one who made it. In grand miracles and nature’sContinueContinue reading “Never Alone”

The Window to the Sky As a new beginning dawned On a beach where we once stood, During the dark hues of a dusk, Where the stars were shy And the waters, mysterious. We smiled at each other And greeted the cloudy sky. Like a young heartbeat, the window to the sky slowly flickered a pale yellow. To knowContinueContinue reading “The Window to the Sky”

Look Up At The Stars

Look up at the stars They’re like pieces of art Floating above the ground The air was cool and the night was dark, at least, away from where we found ourselves; away from the blinding lights of the gazebo decorated with warm fairy lights. Waiting for the last of us to arrive, we musedContinueContinue reading “Look Up At The Stars”

Yesterday I missed my bus stop

Yesterday I missed my bus stop Because I daydreamed about the future. I smiled as I thought about taking Those daily one second snippets I would love and cherish. I was imagining a whole year in review Before it had already started, Because I am excited For the days to come. The bus drove byContinueContinue reading “Yesterday I missed my bus stop”

Sunny Days, Cloudy Judgement

In days gone by, she may have given Her thoughts not a second glance, But entertaining them leaves her So uncertain. For better or for worse, Her head has been up in the clouds, Stuck on spiraling thoughts about – Herself. On sunny days she looks up to the sky, The birds fly and bicker,ContinueContinue reading “Sunny Days, Cloudy Judgement”