Look Up At The Stars

Look up at the stars They’re like pieces of art Floating above the ground https://open.spotify.com/track/3XK7BaY0KkRnu7cpZlOZwI?si=XtMZYq_ySNm84v7NtRMEYg The air was cool and the night was dark, at least, away from where we found ourselves; away from the blinding lights of the gazebo decorated with warm fairy lights. Waiting for the last of us to arrive, we musedContinueContinue reading “Look Up At The Stars”

Shadows of the Night

Out of the corner of wary eyes, Any sudden movement Caught fearful glances, Making way for cautious footsteps And irrational apprehension. They kept in every urge to scream With every shadow that passed, Holding their breath tightly, Leaving each word Of meaningful conversation, To be halted by muffled gasps And small leaps to safer ground.