In Between

She wakes up from another slumber Like the drowned gasping for air, Yet, she only dreams black, And does not know What torments her so. Her world is still dark Until the blinds are raised, But she always lies there Amidst the glimmers of light Through the gaps of curtain, To catch her breath AndContinueContinue reading “In Between”

A Light Slumber

The clock had struck two and I found myself collapsing on a cluster Of scattered cushions and messy blankets, Drifting away into a light slumber. Today was a rarity – a small lull In a lifetime of chaotic proportion, And it was a joy to rest, but Many times I awoke to footsteps of men,ContinueContinue reading “A Light Slumber”

Yesterday I woke up from a dream

Yesterday I woke up from a dream – The world welcomed a new normal, A new normal of everlasting days And sleepless nights. I lived in a world of grey cellophane, Of the lies we tell ourselves, And monochromatic events That forfeited souls still live for. In that world lived a boy with a beanie;ContinueContinue reading “Yesterday I woke up from a dream”