Modern-Day Malaise and Marmalade

Mondays aren’t usually people’s favourite day of the week. They’re muddled with the feelings of slothfulness when begrudging bodies awaken from their weekend benders. But I don’t mind Mondays. For they reset my body clock and remind me what day of the week it is. It’s a time for making plans and organising the weekContinueContinue reading “Modern-Day Malaise and Marmalade”

Summer Rain

The seasons changed from spring to summer During a festivity of gift-giving and family drama. It was a typical Australian Christmas, Full of temperamental weather and no sun in sight. Who decided on such a gloomy season That was supposed to be full of joy and no plight? I expected a summer of grandeur underContinueContinue reading “Summer Rain”

I Can’t Complain

Yesterday, I was unhappy About the girl I saw in the mirror, But ignored the physical flaws In favour of an extraordinary day Overflowing with joyous celebration. I was anxious having to wait For a car that never came, And needing to find A new way to the room Of happy eyes and masked smiles.ContinueContinue reading “I Can’t Complain”

The Window to the Sky As a new beginning dawned On a beach where we once stood, During the dark hues of a dusk, Where the stars were shy And the waters, mysterious. We smiled at each other And greeted the cloudy sky. Like a young heartbeat, the window to the sky slowly flickered a pale yellow. To knowContinueContinue reading “The Window to the Sky”


In the short and fleeting years of my life, I have lived many lifetimes. When I was young, I climbed the roof of my home, Searching for something more exciting To see or hear or do, Only to realise there isn’t much. Yet, I continued to search And climbed trees as high as the skyContinueContinue reading “Lifetimes”

Marble Grey

If you asked me what I see when I look at you, I’d stifle an awkward smile and cast downward eyes. A little boy lost amongst the trees—a forest of expectation, temptation you so desperately crave could never quite reach anyone’s ears. This snippet was part of a poem I wrote long ago, and IContinueContinue reading “Marble Grey”

Look Up At The Stars

Look up at the stars They’re like pieces of art Floating above the ground The air was cool and the night was dark, at least, away from where we found ourselves; away from the blinding lights of the gazebo decorated with warm fairy lights. Waiting for the last of us to arrive, we musedContinueContinue reading “Look Up At The Stars”

Shadows of the Night

Out of the corner of wary eyes, Any sudden movement Caught fearful glances, Making way for cautious footsteps And irrational apprehension. They kept in every urge to scream With every shadow that passed, Holding their breath tightly, Leaving each word Of meaningful conversation, To be halted by muffled gasps And small leaps to safer ground.