Tomorrow I Will Fly

Tonight, I found myself in the company Of old friends at different life stages, Making conversation as if we were never apart Or separated by different callings; Rarely do we ever see each other and Remind ourselves of the bond we share, Or the time we had Wondering where tomorrow takes us. I hear theirContinueContinue reading “Tomorrow I Will Fly”

Nothing New

Just a little more, I fret, Of a treasure always sought; time – Elevating my need to start Living once more. Tomorrow I shall try something else, Hark, it is merely a trap And nothing that will bring you joy – Nothing but faithful reassurance, yet, Karma they cry. You patronise me about my wayContinueContinue reading “Nothing New”

Tomorrow I shall write something new

Hey my love, I buried you a month or two ago I keep thinking that you’re standing on my floor That you’re waiting there for me Tomorrow I shall write something new. I feel like I am still standing on Maroubra beach watching the sunrise – still thinking about life, but also nothing inContinueContinue reading “Tomorrow I shall write something new”