Modern-Day Malaise and Marmalade

Mondays aren’t usually people’s favourite day of the week. They’re muddled with the feelings of slothfulness when begrudging bodies awaken from their weekend benders. But I don’t mind Mondays. For they reset my body clock and remind me what day of the week it is. It’s a time for making plans and organising the weekContinueContinue reading “Modern-Day Malaise and Marmalade”

Location Unknown

Being on the flight to Japan was exciting. I hadn’t been in a long time, and it comforted me to experience it again. And with that, I found myself in a familiar city that had changed with time. The air was slightly cooler than I remember, but it still had a strange quality to itContinueContinue reading “Location Unknown”

Cereal Mix

If the past two weeks of my life were a bowl of cereal, It would be as if a toddler had grabbed All the different types of cereal from the pantry And added every single one to his bowl; And he would clumsily spill a little Onto the countertop each time he went back forContinueContinue reading “Cereal Mix”

Summer Rain

The seasons changed from spring to summer During a festivity of gift-giving and family drama. It was a typical Australian Christmas, Full of temperamental weather and no sun in sight. Who decided on such a gloomy season That was supposed to be full of joy and no plight? I expected a summer of grandeur underContinueContinue reading “Summer Rain”

I Can’t Complain

Yesterday, I was unhappy About the girl I saw in the mirror, But ignored the physical flaws In favour of an extraordinary day Overflowing with joyous celebration. I was anxious having to wait For a car that never came, And needing to find A new way to the room Of happy eyes and masked smiles.ContinueContinue reading “I Can’t Complain”

The Window to the Sky As a new beginning dawned On a beach where we once stood, During the dark hues of a dusk, Where the stars were shy And the waters, mysterious. We smiled at each other And greeted the cloudy sky. Like a young heartbeat, the window to the sky slowly flickered a pale yellow. To knowContinueContinue reading “The Window to the Sky”


In the short and fleeting years of my life, I have lived many lifetimes. When I was young, I climbed the roof of my home, Searching for something more exciting To see or hear or do, Only to realise there isn’t much. Yet, I continued to search And climbed trees as high as the skyContinueContinue reading “Lifetimes”