
The skies let down a straight drizzle, No wind in sight and sun still shining, But the morning air welcomed me Into the wake of today. From bleary-eyed colours, My vision flickered into clear sight, As idle hands reached for the phone Which sat atop the nightstand. I was still asleep, and didn’t know whatContinueContinue reading “Air”

The Eve of Valentine’s Day

She chased after the time Lost to sleep and disorganisation – Flitting wind and rain-swept hair, She fought the vertical rain With her navy blue umbrella. Stranger familiars greeted her With kind words at the glass door, Then sent her up stairways, Corridors of empty rooms And silent spaces. Words spoken, Her ears unlistening, SheContinueContinue reading “The Eve of Valentine’s Day”

City Rain

I see clusters of umbrellas in the distance And heads ducking under frantic hands As if to hide from the falling mist. They come in waves and wait at traffic lights, Watching cars pass by and neon lights glow. The rush of necessity drives them forward – They walk briskly, their legs sprayed by dropletsContinueContinue reading “City Rain”

Yesterday I missed my bus stop

Yesterday I missed my bus stop Because I daydreamed about the future. I smiled as I thought about taking Those daily one second snippets I would love and cherish. I was imagining a whole year in review Before it had already started, Because I am excited For the days to come. The bus drove byContinueContinue reading “Yesterday I missed my bus stop”