Walk in Love

I was blessed to have joined a new bible study group this year. The leaders have really emphasised this group as a church—a place where we do life together and bear each other’s burdens while sharing the joys. And even more so because they welcomed us into their home. Every week, we share a mealContinueContinue reading “Walk in Love”

Ugly Duckling

Do you know what it’s like to grow up in a place where no one is like you? To purposefully be made to feel out of place because of the way you look? Primary school was like being an ugly duckling raised in a flock of ordinary ducklings, and we all know how that storyContinueContinue reading “Ugly Duckling”


Calendars are fantastic when you know how to use them. I thrive on keeping my calendar updated because it’s incredibly satisfying to know everything is organised. Before everyone’s lives were uprooted and we were plunged into lockdown, my planners kept me going. I had all events and appointments marked, accurate to the quarter hour. AndContinueContinue reading “Calendars”

Behind the Smile

The first three months of this year have passed, but the season ahead still seems dry and barren. I won’t pretend that this year has been a good one. Even among the Hokkaido snow of the new year, I battled exhaustion and this mixed feeling of loneliness and trepidation that I could not explain. ItContinueContinue reading “Behind the Smile”


In the garden of Gethsemane, the battle was won. Jesus knew the path ahead of him and all the pain and suffering he would have to endure. Yet, he surrendered to God’s will, knowing all this. Still, even Jesus despaired. In his distress, Jesus approached the Father three times and prayed to Him. Jesus, hisContinueContinue reading “Abandoned”

Growing Old

In a cosy corner of a Thai restaurant, we were seated at a booth in the back during a lunch date a little later than when people usually eat. Between our conversations about the food, there were talks about memories of friendship and war, talks of work and leisure, and of growing old. I wasContinueContinue reading “Growing Old”

Strawberry Milk

FADE IN: INT. SUBURBAN HOMES – NIGHT WE OPEN on Discord. Four friends sit at their computers, in contrastingly lit rooms, chatting with each other on a voice channel with their cameras on. While doing their own things, they talk about foods they miss eating and stumble into an argument over the best flavour ofContinueContinue reading “Strawberry Milk”

Stop Sign Red

I can’t believe how much you’ve changed since the last time I met you. From the rigid person who held such an authoritative presence with such intensity, uncomfortable to most, you have become this mellow man that seems to know his way around the world—you even wrote a poem! I remember the surprise I felt

Charcoal Grey

From the moment I first saw you, I knew you were different to everyone else. Your demeanour, simultaneously awkward and comfortable in nature, caught my attention in the few places I saw you. I had no idea who you were and you never really stuck around to interact with anyone else, so I never talkedContinueContinue reading “Charcoal Grey”

Canary Yellow

You carry around your phone cased in an artwork of sunflowers, showing the world a bit about you. To the world, you are most definitely a beaming canary yellow. A light that shines, revealing so much joy and excitement. You balanced out my cynicism in my younger years and I’d like to think I’ve adoptedContinueContinue reading “Canary Yellow”