In Between

She wakes up from another slumber Like the drowned gasping for air, Yet, she only dreams black, And does not know What torments her so. Her world is still dark Until the blinds are raised, But she always lies there Amidst the glimmers of light Through the gaps of curtain, To catch her breath AndContinueContinue reading “In Between”

Growing Pains

The time spent together Cannot be undone – do I regret it? Who can say time heals all? Then perhaps I am weak, Swept away By the course of time, A cruel ruler of the ages, Who laughs at the growing pains Of mortality. But they scoff, “What a gloomy girl,” Then they retort, “OhContinueContinue reading “Growing Pains”

A Cry for Help

If you asked me what I see When I look at you, I’d stifle an awkward smile And cast                 downward                                     eyes. ​A little boy, Lost amongst the trees, In a forest of anguish And expectation. The temptation you So desperately crave Could never quite reach Anyone’s ears. ​You ask me again, You, aContinueContinue reading “A Cry for Help”