Je suis là

As the night calls for sleep, Usually, I make a home Under the covers of my bed And say a small prayer, Maybe about the world Or for someone I know, And say goodnight. But lately, my body Fights the urge to sleep, And I stubbornly insist, Just five more minutes, To spend time withContinueContinue reading “Je suis là”


Yesterday was a strange day. It was full of many things to do, many people to see and many conversations to tend to. And people who know me would probably ask: what makes it different from any other day you live? I remember listening to a conversation about living life as if you were onContinueContinue reading “Autopilot”

Chasing Dreams

My eyelids feel the weight of many hours researching and writing, reading and listening, and many more thoughts and duties. Tomorrow will be the same, only worse. The clock ticks over to eleven And curtains fall on another day, Lights still on in their eyes Even though the show Had come to an end. LethargicContinueContinue reading “Chasing Dreams”


Last Monday morning, she sluggishly woke up to the first alarm she had set for the day. Her phone read, 7:30 am. Snoozing the alarm, she rolled over to catch a few more minutes of rest before the day shook her awake and demanded she works. Alarms went off at 15 minute intervals, never quiteContinueContinue reading “Trepidation”

Send off

Today I was awoken by the sounds of a familiar and unfamiliar voice. One was a man sent to spray pesticide in the house to keep those nettlesome cockroaches at bay, and the other was someone I knew all too well. Sometime in high school, he became a part of my church family. He wasContinueContinue reading “Send off”

A Light Slumber

The clock had struck two and I found myself collapsing on a cluster Of scattered cushions and messy blankets, Drifting away into a light slumber. Today was a rarity – a small lull In a lifetime of chaotic proportion, And it was a joy to rest, but Many times I awoke to footsteps of men,ContinueContinue reading “A Light Slumber”