Look Up At The Stars

Look up at the stars They’re like pieces of art Floating above the ground https://open.spotify.com/track/3XK7BaY0KkRnu7cpZlOZwI?si=XtMZYq_ySNm84v7NtRMEYg The air was cool and the night was dark, at least, away from where we found ourselves; away from the blinding lights of the gazebo decorated with warm fairy lights. Waiting for the last of us to arrive, we musedContinueContinue reading “Look Up At The Stars”

Summer Fling, pt. 2

To the ones with which I have spent the summer, I have found so much delight in the conversations we have had and the wanderings we have shared. I remember a couple of years ago, The time I first met you And I think, you have changed – I see who you have become, WhoContinueContinue reading “Summer Fling, pt. 2”

Summer Fling

I close my eyes and peer into the past, reliving the memories I have made with you this summer. I remember the spontaneity of a drive To a place I hadn’t known – To a home where I felt at home, And the car ride conversations In which I got to know you. I rememberContinueContinue reading “Summer Fling”

Much Thought, Little Time

Long time no talk! Oh, I guess that’s a little inaccurate depending on how you look at it. I saw you two weeks ago, but it feels like it has been a while. I hope you’re well! When I see your stories on Instagram and the creative things you’ve been working on, I just getContinueContinue reading “Much Thought, Little Time”


In the place of a loved memory lives another photo. She picked up the small photo frame that once sat on her windowsill; it belonged in front of a flowerbed of lavender, rosemary and honey bees. She gazed at the photo lovingly, but expressed a hint of melancholy in her smile. It was merely anContinueContinue reading “Placeholder”

Tomorrow I hope to see you again

Tomorrow I hope to see you again. I feel like this is how I am – I am always longing for your company. A couple of hours with you is never enough. I always find myself wanting to tell you many things, but only managing to muster a few words of hyper-condensed sentences that skipsContinueContinue reading “Tomorrow I hope to see you again”