Cereal Mix

If the past two weeks of my life were a bowl of cereal, It would be as if a toddler had grabbed All the different types of cereal from the pantry And added every single one to his bowl; And he would clumsily spill a little Onto the countertop each time he went back forContinueContinue reading “Cereal Mix”

Out in the Open

Why do words feel looser on the tongue When night falls and stars shine? Is it because the air flirts with your lungs Without the baggage of an intrusive day, And busy thoughts? I feel the grass under my fingertips, I see the stars shine when the clouds disperse, And I hear your voice amongContinueContinue reading “Out in the Open”

Much Thought, Little Time

Long time no talk! Oh, I guess that’s a little inaccurate depending on how you look at it. I saw you two weeks ago, but it feels like it has been a while. I hope you’re well! When I see your stories on Instagram and the creative things you’ve been working on, I just getContinueContinue reading “Much Thought, Little Time”

Nothing New

Just a little more, I fret, Of a treasure always sought; time – Elevating my need to start Living once more. Tomorrow I shall try something else, Hark, it is merely a trap And nothing that will bring you joy – Nothing but faithful reassurance, yet, Karma they cry. You patronise me about my wayContinueContinue reading “Nothing New”