Valentine’s Day

I awoke to a whispered laugh, exclaiming he hated waking up sleepers in the night. They both chuckled quietly as I lazily slurred, “I’m awake”. He was glad he didn’t need to shake me awake. Dark skies shrouded the house With morning silence And the shuffle of sleepy feet, Hurrying to planned getaways On theContinueContinue reading “Valentine’s Day”

The Eve of Valentine’s Day

She chased after the time Lost to sleep and disorganisation – Flitting wind and rain-swept hair, She fought the vertical rain With her navy blue umbrella. Stranger familiars greeted her With kind words at the glass door, Then sent her up stairways, Corridors of empty rooms And silent spaces. Words spoken, Her ears unlistening, SheContinueContinue reading “The Eve of Valentine’s Day”