Water; a form that changes shape to conform, but does not belong to the place it temporarily rests.

Blogposts of thoughts, letters, poetry, a little bit of madness, and more.

Welcome to another year of my blog! I hope to fill your day, week or however long you stay, with something nice to read. Leave a comment if you loved OR hated it; it lets me know what content you enjoy and where I’m at in my writing.

Past and Present

Growing Old

In a cosy corner of a Thai restaurant, we were seated at a booth in the back during a lunch date a little later than when people usually eat. Between our conversations about the food,…

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Winter Coat

I always find it interesting how people view me. Most of the time, I hear that people have found me scary and intimidating. Other descriptions include: interesting, thoughtful, insane, and “has no chill”. This reminded…

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Cereal Mix

If the past two weeks of my life were a bowl of cereal, It would be as if a toddler had grabbed All the different types of cereal from the pantry And added every single…

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