Water; a form that changes shape to conform, but does not belong to the place it temporarily rests.

Blogposts of thoughts, letters, poetry, a little bit of madness, and more.

It’s 2023 and I know I’ve dropped the ball a bit… But still, welcome to another year of my blog! I hope this space is of comfort to you.

In Awe and Wonder


It had been a while since I saw you last, and all I could think was how much I looked forward to seeing you again. We don’t see each other often, and it’s probably better…

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Heart Wrapped Up in Tin Foil

Last night, I had a dream. I found an old suitcase in a dimly lit Victorian room reminiscent of those seen in horror game mansions. The darkness shied away from the candle on the nightstand,…

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Calendars are fantastic when you know how to use them. I thrive on keeping my calendar updated because it’s incredibly satisfying to know everything is organised. Before everyone’s lives were uprooted and we were plunged…

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Never Alone

I have seen stars spread across the sky And billions of sand grains blanketing beaches Off the east coast of my home. There have been geese with scary teeth, And leaves that turn red at…

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