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  • Walk in Love

    I was blessed to have joined a new bible study group this year. The leaders have really emphasised this group as a church—a place where we do life together and bear each other’s burdens while sharing the joys. And even more so because they welcomed us into their home. Every… Read more


In Awe and Wonder


It had been a while since I saw you last, and all I could think was how much I looked forward to seeing you again. We don’t see each other often, and it’s probably better this way, but after a rough couple of weeks overseas, seeing you lifted my spirits. Honestly, the past several months…

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Past and Present

Growing Old

In a cosy corner of a Thai restaurant, we were seated at a booth in the back during a lunch date a little later than when people usually eat. Between our conversations about the food, there were talks about memories of friendship and war, talks of work and leisure, and of growing old. I was…

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Winter Coat

I always find it interesting how people view me. Most of the time, I hear that people have found me scary and intimidating. Other descriptions include: interesting, thoughtful, insane, and “has no chill”. This reminded me of a conversation I had a while ago. I sighed and told my friend that I’m a little insecure…

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Cereal Mix

If the past two weeks of my life were a bowl of cereal, It would be as if a toddler had grabbed All the different types of cereal from the pantry And added every single one to his bowl; And he would clumsily spill a little Onto the countertop each time he went back for…

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Strawberry Milk

FADE IN: INT. SUBURBAN HOMES – NIGHT WE OPEN on Discord. Four friends sit at their computers, in contrastingly lit rooms, chatting with each other on a voice channel with their cameras on. While doing their own things, they talk about foods they miss eating and stumble into an argument over the best flavour of…

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In the short and fleeting years of my life, I have lived many lifetimes. When I was young, I climbed the roof of my home, Searching for something more exciting To see or hear or do, Only to realise there isn’t much. Yet, I continued to search And climbed trees as high as the sky…

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Je suis là

As the night calls for sleep, Usually, I make a home Under the covers of my bed And say a small prayer, Maybe about the world Or for someone I know, And say goodnight. But lately, my body Fights the urge to sleep, And I stubbornly insist, Just five more minutes, To spend time with…

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Christian Living

Walk in Love

I was blessed to have joined a new bible study group this year. The leaders have really emphasised this group…

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Love Letter

What happens when the world tells you you’re too much, not enough, too aggressive, too quiet, too standoffish for having…

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Small and Mighty

Two nights ago, I was feeling pretty bummed out. I needed to distract myself from my worries, and it didn’t…

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In the garden of Gethsemane, the battle was won. Jesus knew the path ahead of him and all the pain…

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Location Unknown

Being on the flight to Japan was exciting. I hadn’t been in a long time, and it comforted me to…

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Lately, I’ve been thinking about something that seems to have been eating away at me for a while. It’s this…

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Marble Grey

If you asked me what I see when I look at you, I’d stifle an awkward smile and cast downward…

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Honey Yellow

I remember the first time I met you—it was at an event just before I started university. You introduced yourself…

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Never Alone

I have seen stars spread across the sky And billions of sand grains blanketing beaches Off the east coast of…

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I Can’t Complain

Yesterday, I was unhappy About the girl I saw in the mirror, But ignored the physical flaws In favour of…

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He wandered around alleyways, Searching for the place Of their rendezvous. Like a dead man walking, He inched into the…

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Shadows of the Night

Out of the corner of wary eyes, Any sudden movement Caught fearful glances, Making way for cautious footsteps And irrational…

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